

Robust unambiguous parametrization of the essential manifold

15 years 2 months ago
Robust unambiguous parametrization of the essential manifold
Analytic manifolds were recently used for motion averaging, segmentation and robust estimation. Here we consider the epipolar constraint for calibrated cameras, which is the most general motion model for calibrated cameras and is encoded by the essential matrix. The set of all essential matrices forms the essential manifold. We provide a theoretical characterization of the geometry of the essential manifold and develop a parametrization which associates each essential matrix with a unique point on the manifold. Our work provides a more complete theoretical analysis of the essential manifold than previous work in this direction. We show the results of using this parametrization with real data sets, while previous work concentrated on theoretical analysis with synthetic data.
Raghav Subbarao, Yakup Genc, Peter Meer
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 28 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CVPR
Authors Raghav Subbarao, Yakup Genc, Peter Meer
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