

RoK: Roll-Up with the K-Means Clustering Method for Recommending OLAP Queries

14 years 7 months ago
RoK: Roll-Up with the K-Means Clustering Method for Recommending OLAP Queries
Dimension hierarchies represent a substantial part of the data warehouse model. Indeed they allow decision makers to examine data at different levels of detail with On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) operators such as drill-down and roll-up. The granularity levels which compose a dimension hierarchy are usually fixed during the design step of the data warehouse, according to the identified analysis needs of the users. However, in practice, the needs of users may evolve and grow in time. Hence, to take into account the users’ analysis evolution into the data warehouse, we propose to integrate personalization techniques within the OLAP process. We propose two kinds of OLAP personalization in the data warehouse: (1) adaptation and (2) recommendation. Adaptation allows users to express their own needs in terms of aggregation rules defined from a child level (existing level) to a parent level (new level). The system will adapt itself by including the new hierarchy level into the dat...
Fadila Bentayeb, Cécile Favre
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DEXA
Authors Fadila Bentayeb, Cécile Favre
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