

Role of social and human capital in virtual collaboration

14 years 1 months ago
Role of social and human capital in virtual collaboration
Virtual collaboration is emerging as organizations embrace new business processes to take advantage of electronic communication technologies. This paper focuses on virtual collaboration and the application of videoconferencing as the primary medium for collaboration. A combination of questionnaire and a follow up discussion group were utilized. Results were qualitatively analyzed to determine the importance of Social and Human Capital and their influence on perceived interaction qualities, group process satisfaction and previous experience. Along with Social and Human Capital, the inclusion of Technological Capital as a criterion for successful virtual collaboration is proposed. KEYWORDS Videoconferencing, Collaborative Working, Virtual Collaboration technologies, e-commerce
Ana Hol, Robyn Lawson
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Ana Hol, Robyn Lawson
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