

Routing and Scheduling in Distributed Advance Reservation Networks

13 years 10 months ago
Routing and Scheduling in Distributed Advance Reservation Networks
Advance reservation of connection requests is a growing focus area and a range of solutions have been proposed. However, most efforts here have focused on scheduling algorithm design and have not addressed related implementation concerns in distributed settings. As a result, most schemes imply the use of a centralized controller, posing many scalability and reliability challenges. In order to address these concerns, this paper proposes a distributed routing solution for advance reservation. Namely, new link-state data structures are defined to summarize timeline-bandwidth state without the "time-slot" constraint along with novel routing update triggering policies for timely state dissemination. A refined distributed path-computation scheme is then developed to use this propagated state. The proposed solution is analyzed using discrete event simulation.
Chongyang Xie, Hamad Alazemi, Nasir Ghani
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Chongyang Xie, Hamad Alazemi, Nasir Ghani
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