Technology scaling of CMOS processes brings relatively faster transistors (gates) and slower interconnects (wires), making viable the addition of reconfigurability to increase performance. In the Morph/AMRM system, we are exploring the addition of reconfigurable logic, deeply integrated with the processor core, employing the reconfigurability to manage the cache, datapath, and pipeline resources more effectively. However, integration of reconfigurable logic introduces significant protection and safety challenges for multiprocess execution. We analyze the protection structures in a state of the art microprocessor core (R10000), identifying the few critical logic blocks and demonstrating that the majority of the logic in the processor core can be safely reconfigured. Subsequently, we propose a protection architecture for the Morph/AMRM reconfigurable processor which enable nearly the full range of power of reconfigurability in the processor core while requiring only a small number of fi...
Andrew A. Chien, Jay H. Byun