

Sampling schemes for 2-D signals with finite rate of innovation using kernels that reproduce polynomials

15 years 3 months ago
Sampling schemes for 2-D signals with finite rate of innovation using kernels that reproduce polynomials
In this paper, we propose new sampling schemes for classes of 2-D signals with finite rate of innovation (FRI). In particular, we consider sets of 2-D Diracs and bilevel polygons. As opposed to using only sinc or Gaussian kernels [7], we allow the sampling kernel to be any function that reproduces polynomials. In the proposed sampling schemes, we exploit the polynomial approximation properties of the sampling kernels in association with other relevant techniques such as complex-moments [10], annihilating filter method [3], and directional derivatives. Specifically, for the bilevel polygons, we propose two different methods: the first uses a global reconstruction algorithm and complex moments, while the second is based on directional derivatives and local reconstruction algorithms. The trade-off between these two reconstruction modalities is also briefly discussed.
Pancham Shukla, Pier Luigi Dragotti
Added 23 Oct 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICIP
Authors Pancham Shukla, Pier Luigi Dragotti
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