

Scale Spaces on Lie Groups

14 years 6 months ago
Scale Spaces on Lie Groups
In the standard scale space approach one obtains a scale space representation u : Rd R+ → R of an image f ∈ L2(Rd ) by means of an evolution equation on the additive group (Rd , +). However, it is common to apply a wavelet transform (constructed via a representation U of a Lie-group G and admissible wavelet ψ) to an image which provides a detailed overview of the group structure in an image. The result of such a wavelet transform provides a function g → (Ugψ, f)L2(R2) on a group G (rather than (Rd , +)), which we call a score. Since the wavelet transform is unitary we have stable reconstruction by its adjoint. This allows us to link operators on images to operators on scores in a robust way. To ensure U-invariance of the corresponding operator on the image the operator on the wavelet transform must be left-invariant. Therefore we focus on leftinvariant evolution equations (and their resolvents) on the Lie-group G generated by a quadratic form Q on left invariant vector fields....
Remco Duits, Bernhard Burgeth
Added 09 Jun 2010
Updated 09 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Remco Duits, Bernhard Burgeth
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