

Scipio: Using protein sequences to determine the precise exon/intron structures of genes and their orthologs in closely related

14 years 2 months ago
Scipio: Using protein sequences to determine the precise exon/intron structures of genes and their orthologs in closely related
Background: For many types of analyses, data about gene structure and locations of non-coding regions of genes are required. Although a vast amount of genomic sequence data is available, precise annotation of genes is lacking behind. Finding the corresponding gene of a given protein sequence by means of conventional tools is error prone, and cannot be completed without manual inspection, which is time consuming and requires considerable experience. Results: Scipio is a tool based on the alignment program BLAT to determine the precise gene structure given a protein sequence and a genome sequence. It identifies intron-exon borders and splice sites and is able to cope with sequencing errors and genes spanning several contigs in genomes that have not yet been assembled to supercontigs or chromosomes. Instead of producing a set of hits with varying confidence, Scipio gives the user a coherent summary of locations on the genome that code for the query protein. The output contains informatio...
Oliver Keller, Florian Odronitz, Mario Stanke, Mar
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Oliver Keller, Florian Odronitz, Mario Stanke, Martin Kollmar, Stephan Waack
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