

Searching for Explanatory Web Pages Using Automatic Query Expansion

14 years 14 days ago
Searching for Explanatory Web Pages Using Automatic Query Expansion
: When one tries to use the Web as a dictionary or encyclopedia, entering some single term into a search engine, the highly-ranked pages in the result can include irrelevant or useless sites. The problem is that single-term queries, if taken literally, underspecify the type of page the user wants. For such problems automatic query expansion, also known as pseudo-feedback, is often effective. In this method the top n documents returned by an initial retrieval are used to provide terms for a second retrieval. This paper contributes, first, new normalization techniques for query expansion, and second, a new way of computing the similarity between an expanded query and a document, the “local relevance density” metric, which complements the standard vector product metric. Both of these techniques are shown to be useful for single-term queries,
Manabu Tauchi, Nigel Ward
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CI
Authors Manabu Tauchi, Nigel Ward
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