

Segmentation and Guidance of Multiple Rigid Objects for Intra-operative Endoscopic Vision

14 years 3 months ago
Segmentation and Guidance of Multiple Rigid Objects for Intra-operative Endoscopic Vision
Abstract. This paper presents an endoscopic vision framework for modelbased 3D guidance of surgical instruments used in robotized laparoscopic surgery. In order to develop such a system, a variety of challenging segmentation, tracking and reconstruction problems must be solved. With this minimally invasive surgical technique, every single instrument has to pass through an insertion point in the abdominal wall and is mounted on the end-effector of a surgical robot which can be controlled by automatic visual feedback. The motion of any laparoscopic instrument is then constrained and the goal of the automated task is to safety bring instruments at desired locations while avoiding undesirable contact with internal organs. For this "eye-to-hands" configuration with a stationary camera, most control strategies require the knowledge of the out-of-field of view insertion points location and we demonstrate it can be achieved in vivo thanks to a sequence of (instrument) motions without...
Christophe Doignon, Florent Nageotte, Michel de Ma
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ECCV
Authors Christophe Doignon, Florent Nageotte, Michel de Mathelin
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