

Self-optimizing DHTs Using Request Profiling

14 years 3 months ago
Self-optimizing DHTs Using Request Profiling
S (in alphabetic order by speaker surname) Speaker: Uri Abraham (Ben-Gurion University) Title: Self-Stabilizing TimeStamps : Speaker: Anish Arora (Ohio State) Title: Self-Stabilizing Sensor Networks : Speaker: Alina Bejan (University of Iowa) Title: Designing Self-Optimizing DHTs using Request Profiling : Various studies on request patterns in P2P networks have confirmed the existence of the interest-based clusters. Some P2P networks that exhibit the small-world phenomenon contains clusters of peers that frequently communicate with one another, although this is not always true. However, the existence of interest-based clusters opens up the possibility of more efficient routing. In this paper we consider the problem of designing a self-optimizing overlay network and routing mechanisms to permit efficient location of resources by the periodic profiling of request patterns. Our self-optimization protocol uses selective replication of resources for restricting the sizes of the clusters, an...
Alina Bejan, Sukumar Ghosh
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Alina Bejan, Sukumar Ghosh
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