

On Self-triggered Full-Information H-Infinity Controllers

14 years 5 months ago
On Self-triggered Full-Information H-Infinity Controllers
Abstract. A self-triggered control task is one in which the task determines its next release time. It has been conjectured that self-triggering can relax the requirements on a real-time scheduler while maintaining application (i.e. control system) performance. This paper presents preliminary results supporting that conjecture for a self-triggered real-time system implementing full-information H controllers. Release times are selected to enforce upper bounds on the induced L2 gain of a linear feedback control system. These release times are treated as requests by the system scheduler, which then assigns actual release times using Buttazzo's elastic scheduling algorithm. Preliminary experimental results from a Matlab stateflow simulink model demonstrated a remarkable robustness to scheduling delays induced by real-time schedulers. These results show that self-triggered controllers are indeed able to maintain acceptable levels of application performance during prolonged periods of pr...
Michael D. Lemmon, Thidapat Chantem, Xiaobo Sharon
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Michael D. Lemmon, Thidapat Chantem, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Matthew Zyskowski
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