

Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets

14 years 17 days ago
Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets
We propose a modular framework for robust 3D reconstruction from unorganized, unoriented, noisy, and outlierridden geometric data. We gain robustness and scalability over previous methods through an unsigned distance approximation to the input data followed by a global stochastic signing of the function. An isosurface reconstruction is finally deduced via a sparse linear solve. We show with experiments on large, raw, geometric datasets that this approach is scalable while robust to noise, outliers, and holes. The modularity of our approach facilitates customization of the pipeline components to exploit specific idiosyncracies of datasets, while the simplicity of each component leads to a straightforward implementation.
Patrick Mullen, Fernando de Goes, Mathieu Desbrun,
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CGF
Authors Patrick Mullen, Fernando de Goes, Mathieu Desbrun, David Cohen-Steiner, Pierre Alliez
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