

Simple coding for achieving mean square stability over bit-rate limited channels

14 years 5 months ago
Simple coding for achieving mean square stability over bit-rate limited channels
The problem of characterizing lower bounds on data-rates needed for closed loop stability has been solved in a variety of settings. However, the available results lead to coding schemes which are very complex and, thus, of limited practical interest. In this paper, we show how simple coding systems comprising only LTI filters and memoryless entropy coded dithered scalar quantizers can be used to stabilize strongly stabilizable SISO LTI plant models over error-free bit-rate limited feedback channels. Despite the simplicity of the building blocks employed, we prove that the
Eduardo I. Silva, Milan S. Derpich, Jan Øst
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CDC
Authors Eduardo I. Silva, Milan S. Derpich, Jan Østergaard, Daniel E. Quevedo
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