

Sketch Based Image Deformation

14 years 1 months ago
Sketch Based Image Deformation
We present an image editing tool that allows to deform and composite image regions using an intuitive sketch-based interface. Users simply draw the outline of the source image region and sketch a new boundary shape onto the location where this region is to be pasted. The deformation optimizes a shape distortion energy, and we use Poisson cloning for subsequent compositing. Since the correspondence between the source and target boundary curves is not known a priori, we propose an alternating optimization process that interleaves minimization of the deformation energy w.r.t. the image region interior and the mapping between the boundary curves, thus automatically determining the boundary correspondence and deforming the image at the same time. Thanks to the particular design of the deformation energy, its gradient can be efficiently computed, making the entire image editing framework interactive and convenient for practical use.
Mathias Eitz, Olga Sorkine, Marc Alexa
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where VMV
Authors Mathias Eitz, Olga Sorkine, Marc Alexa
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