

Slosh suppression by robust input shaping

13 years 10 months ago
Slosh suppression by robust input shaping
Abstract-- The majority of slosh-control techniques have required feedback control to suppress liquid oscillations induced by container motion. However, input shaping is an alternative method for generating motion commands that reduce residual oscillations without the need for sensors. In addition, input shaping can accommodate two concerns associated with slosh: peak transient slosh and changes in slosh frequency. Past work has demonstrated that input shaping can be useful for suppressing slosh, but none have experimentally verified robust input shapers. This paper describes simulation and experimental results that verify robust input shaping can effectively reduce peak transient slosh and limit residual oscillations over a range of parameters.
Brice Pridgen, Kun Bai, William E. Singhose
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Brice Pridgen, Kun Bai, William E. Singhose
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