

SlowFaster, a user-friendly program for slow-fast analysis and its application on phylogeny of Blastocystis

14 years 3 months ago
SlowFaster, a user-friendly program for slow-fast analysis and its application on phylogeny of Blastocystis
Background: Slow-fast analysis is a simple and effective method to reduce the influence of substitution saturation, one of the causes of phylogenetic noise and long branch attraction (LBA) artifacts. In several steps of increasing stringency, the slow-fast analysis omits the fastest substituting alignment positions from the analysed dataset and thus increases its signal/noise ratio. Results: Our program SlowFaster automates the process of assessing the substitution rate of the alignment positions and the process of producing new alignments by deleting the saturated positions. Its use is very simple. It goes through the whole process in several steps: data input
Martin Kostka, Magdalena Uzlikova, Ivan Cepicka, J
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Martin Kostka, Magdalena Uzlikova, Ivan Cepicka, Jaroslav Flegr
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