

Small-college supercomputing: building a Beowulf cluster at a comprehensive college

14 years 3 months ago
Small-college supercomputing: building a Beowulf cluster at a comprehensive college
A Beowulf cluster is a MIMD multiprocessor built from commodity off-the-shelf personal computers connected via a dedicated network, running free open-source software. Such a cluster can provide a supercomputer's performance at a small fraction of one's cost. For small colleges and universities, the relatively low cost of a Beowulf cluster makes it an attractive alternative to a commercial supercomputer. This paper details our experience building a Beowulf cluster at a four-year comprehensive college.
Joel C. Adams, David Vos
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Joel C. Adams, David Vos
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