

Software Protection Mechanisms for Dependable Systems

14 years 8 months ago
Software Protection Mechanisms for Dependable Systems
We expect that in future commodity hardware will be used in safety critical applications. But the used commodity microprocessors will become less reliable because of decreasing feature size and reduced power supply. Thus software-implemented approaches to deal with unreliable hardware will be required. As one basic step to softwareimplemented hardware-fault tolerance (SIHFT) we aim at providing failure virtualization by turning arbitrary value failures caused by erroneous execution into crash failures which are easier to handle. Existing SIHFT approaches either are not broadly applicable or lack the ability to reliably deal with permanent hardware faults. In contrast, Forin [7] introduced the Vital Coded Microprocessor which reliably detects transient and permanent hardware errors but is not applicable to arbitrary programs and requires special hardware. We discuss different approaches to generalize Forin’s approach and make it applicable to modern infrastructures.
Ute Wappler, Martin Muller
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where DATE
Authors Ute Wappler, Martin Muller
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