

Some Basics on Tolerances

14 years 9 months ago
Some Basics on Tolerances
In this note we deal with sensitivity analysis of combinatorial optimization problems and its fundamental term, the tolerance. For three classes of objective functions (Σ, Π, MAX) we prove some basic properties on upper and lower tolerances. We show that the upper tolerance of an element is well defined, how to compute the upper tolerance of an element, and give equivalent formulations when the upper tolerance is +∞ or > 0. Analogous results are proven for the lower tolerance and some results on the relationship between lower and upper tolerances are given. Key words Sensitivity analysis, upper tolerance, lower tolerance.
Boris Goldengorin, Gerold Jäger, Paul Molitor
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AAIM
Authors Boris Goldengorin, Gerold Jäger, Paul Molitor
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