

Space, the Final Frontearcon: The Identification of Concurrently Presented Earcons in a Synthetic Spatialised Auditory Environme

14 years 5 months ago
Space, the Final Frontearcon: The Identification of Concurrently Presented Earcons in a Synthetic Spatialised Auditory Environme
Two experiments which investigate the impact of spatialised presentation on the identification of concurrently presented earcons are described. The first experiment compared the identification of concurrently presented earcons based on the guidelines for individual earcon design and presentation of Brewster, Wright and Edwards [1] which were presented in spatially distinct locations, to the identification of non-spatially presented earcons which incorporated guidelines for concurrent presentation from McGookin and Brewster [2]. It was found that a significant increase in earcon identification occurred, as well as an increase in earcon register identification when earcons were spatially presented. The second experiment compared the identification of concurrently presented earcons based on the guidelines of Brewster, Wright and Edwards [1] which were presented in spatially distinct locations, to the identification of spatially presented earcons which incorporated guidelines for the pres...
David K. McGookin, Stephen A. Brewster
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICAD
Authors David K. McGookin, Stephen A. Brewster
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