

The spatial character of sensor technology

14 years 6 months ago
The spatial character of sensor technology
By considering the spatial character of sensor-based interactive systems, this paper investigates how discussions of seams and seamlessness in ubiquitous computing neglect the complex spatial character that is constructed as a sideeffect of deploying sensor technology within a space. Through a study of a torch (‘flashlight’) based interface, we develop a framework for analysing this spatial character generated by sensor technology. This framework is then used to analyse and compare a range of other systems in which sensor technology is used, in order to develop a design spectrum that contrasts the revealing and hiding of a system’s structure to users. Finally, we discuss the implications for interfaces situated in public spaces and consider the benefits of hiding structure from users. Author Keywords Sensor technology, space, ubiquitous computing, seams ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 Information interfaces and presentation: User Interfaces.
Stuart Reeves, Tony P. Pridmore, Andy Crabtree, Jo
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Stuart Reeves, Tony P. Pridmore, Andy Crabtree, Jonathan Green, Steve Benford, Claire O'Malley
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