

Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Spectrum Allocation with Interference Handling

14 years 6 months ago
Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Spectrum Allocation with Interference Handling
— As for today, radio spectrum resource is rigidly partitioned for dedicated purposes. The exclusive license of fixed size spectrum blocks separated by guard bands easily solves the interference problems; however, the rigid allocation of spectrum is clearly inadequate for providing optimal spectrum efficiency for spatially and temporarily varying loads. Dynamic Spectrum Allocation (DSA) is a new and promising alternative where the assigned spectrum blocks may vary in time and space, too. In this paper we describe a spatio-temporal DSA model that splits the complex problem into Temporal and Spatial Dynamic Spectrum Allocation. In our architecture the spectrum is allocated by Regional Spectrum Brokers (RSB) that also coordinate spectrum access between regions. The problem of interference between different regions and providers is handled by a flexible description using the proposed geographical and radio technology coupling parameters. We also show how the optimal allocation can be ...
László Kovacs, Attila Vidács,
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICC
Authors László Kovacs, Attila Vidács, János Tapolcai
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