

Specialized Mappings and the Estimation of Human Body Pose from a Single Image

14 years 5 months ago
Specialized Mappings and the Estimation of Human Body Pose from a Single Image
We present an approach for recovering articulated body pose from single monocular images using the Specialized Mappings Architecture (SMA), a non-linear supervised learning architecture. SMA's consist of several specialized forward (input to output space) mapping functions and a feedback matching function, estimated automatically from data. Each of these forward functions maps certain areas (possibly disconnected) of the input space onto the output space. A probabilistic model for the architecture is first formalized along with a mechanism for learning its parameters. The learning problem is approached using a maximum likelihood estimation framework; we present Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithms for several different choices of the likelihoodfunction. The performance of the presented solutions under these different likelihood functions is compared in the task of estimatinghuman body posture from low level visual features obtained from a single image, showing promising resul...
Rómer Rosales, Stan Sclaroff
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where HUMO
Authors Rómer Rosales, Stan Sclaroff
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