

A spreadsheet approach to information visualization

14 years 6 months ago
A spreadsheet approach to information visualization
In information visualization, as the volume and complexity of the data increases, researchers require more powerful visualization tools that enable them to more effectively explore multidimensional datasets. In this paper, we discuss the general utility of a novel visualization spreadsheetframework. Just as a numerical spreadsheetenables exploration of numbers, a visualization spreadsheet enables exploration of visual forms of information. We show that the spreadsheet approach facilitates certain information visualization tasks that are more difficult using other approaches. Unlike traditional spreadsheets,which store only simple data elements and formulas in eachcell, a visualizationspreadsheetcellcanhold anentire complex data set, selection criteria, viewing specifications, and other information needed for a full-fledged information visualization. Similarly, inter-cell operations are far more complex, stretching beyond simple arithmetic and string operations to encompass a range ...
Ed Huai-hsin Chi, Phillip Barry, John Riedl, Josep
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Ed Huai-hsin Chi, Phillip Barry, John Riedl, Joseph A. Konstan
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