— Consider a discrete-time networked control scheme, in which the controller has direct access to noisy measurements of the plant’s output, but the controller and the actuator are connected via a link that features Bernoulli erasure events. We determine necessary and sufficient conditions for the stabilizability of an unstable linear and time-invariant plant. We show that these conditions are identical for two types of actuators: • (Type I) Processing at the actuator has access to the plant’s model; • (Type II) Processing at the actuator uses a universal algorithm that does not depend on the model of the plant. We also identify cases where availability of acknowledgements over the controller-actuator channel is not required for stability. We also consider decentralized networked control structures, where two or more independent controller-linkactuator assemblies have access to different measurements of the plant’s output.
Vijay Gupta, Nuno C. Martins