

STING Millennium Suite: integrated software for extensive analyses of 3d structures of proteins and their complexes

14 years 2 months ago
STING Millennium Suite: integrated software for extensive analyses of 3d structures of proteins and their complexes
Background: The integration of many aspects of protein/DNA structure analysis is an important requirement for software products in general area of structural bioinformatics. In fact, there are too few software packages on the internet which can be described as successful in this respect. We might say that what is still missing is publicly available, web based software for interactive analysis of the sequence/ structure/function of proteins and their complexes with DNA and ligands. Some of existing software packages do have certain level of integration and do offer analysis of several structure related parameters, however not to the extent generally demanded by a user. Results: We are reporting here about new Sting Millennium Suite (SMS) version which is fully accessible (including for local files at client end), web based software for molecular structure and sequence/structure/ function analysis. The new SMS client version is now operational also on Linux boxes and it works with non-p...
Roberto H. Higa, Roberto C. Togawa, Arnaldo J. Mon
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Authors Roberto H. Higa, Roberto C. Togawa, Arnaldo J. Montagner, Juliana F. Palandrani, Igor K. S. Okimoto, Paula R. Kuser, Michel E. B. Yamagishi, Adauto L. Mancini, Goran Neshich
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