

A stochastically stable solution to the problem of robocentric mapping

14 years 7 months ago
A stochastically stable solution to the problem of robocentric mapping
Abstract— This paper provides a novel solution for robocentric mapping using an autonomous mobile robot. The robot dynamic model is the standard unicycle model and the robot is assumed to measure both the range and relative bearing to the landmarks. The algorithm introduced in this paper relies on a coordinate transformation and an extended Kalman filter like algorithm. The coordinate transformation considered in this paper has not been previously considered for robocentric mapping applications. Moreover, we provide a rigorous stochastic stability analysis of the filter employed and we examine the conditions under which the mean-square estimation error converges to a steady-state value.
Adrian N. Bishop, Patric Jensfelt
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Adrian N. Bishop, Patric Jensfelt
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