

The Structure of Level-k Phylogenetic Networks

14 years 7 months ago
The Structure of Level-k Phylogenetic Networks
Evolution is usually described as a phylogenetic tree, but due to some exchange of genetic material, it can be represented as a phylogenetic network which has an underlying tree structure. The notion of level was recently introduced as a parameter on realistic kinds of phylogenetic networks to express their complexity and tree-likeness. We study the structure of level-k networks, and how they can be decomposed into level-k generators. We also provide a polynomial time algorithm which takes as input the set of level-k generators and builds the set of level-(k+1) generators. Finally, with a simulation study, we evaluate the proportion of level-k phylogenetic networks among networks generated according to the coalescent model with recombination.
Philippe Gambette, Vincent Berry, Christophe Paul
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CPM
Authors Philippe Gambette, Vincent Berry, Christophe Paul
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