

Succinct Representations of Arbitrary Graphs

14 years 3 months ago
Succinct Representations of Arbitrary Graphs
Abstract. We consider the problem of encoding a graph with n vertices and m edges compactly supporting adjacency, neighborhood and degree queries in constant time in the log n-bit word RAM model. The adjacency query asks whether there is an edge between two vertices, the neighborhood query reports the neighbors of a given vertex in constant time per neighbor, and the degree query reports the number of incident edges to a given vertex. We study the problem in the context of succinctness, where the goal is to achieve the optimal space requirement as a function of n and m, to within lower order terms. We prove a lower bound in the cell probe model that it is impossible to achieve the information-theory lower bound within lower order terms unless the graph is too sparse (namely m = o n for any constant > 0) or too dense (namely m = n2for any constant > 0). Furthermore, we present a succinct encoding for graphs for all values of n, m supporting queries in constant time. The space re...
Arash Farzan, J. Ian Munro
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ESA
Authors Arash Farzan, J. Ian Munro
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