

The summer 1968 in London and Zagreb: starting or end point for computer art?

14 years 3 months ago
The summer 1968 in London and Zagreb: starting or end point for computer art?
The Exhibition Cybernetic Serendipity (London 1968) is often considered to be the first major exhibition of computer art. Nearly forgotten, is an exhibition in Zagreb that also took place in August 1968 connected to an international Colloquy “Computers and Visual Research. Zagreb August 3 - 4, 1968”. Both dealt in a systematically different way with the possibilities of computer art. While the show in London tried to give a wide range of possibilities, the ‘visual researchers’ in Zagreb bridged computer art with social and political implications, as well as with new philosophical and aesthetical theories on Information aesthetics. For a further scientific analysis of the first phase of graphical computer art, a deeper look into the events in Zagreb will be indispensable. Keywords Cybernetic Serendipity, New Tendencies, early beginnings of computer art, Zagreb, London, visual research ACM Classification Keywords J.5 ARTS AND HUMANITIES, fine arts
Christoph Klütsch
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Christoph Klütsch
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