

Tactile object class and internal state recognition for mobile manipulation

14 years 1 months ago
Tactile object class and internal state recognition for mobile manipulation
— Tactile information is valuable in determining properties of objects that are inaccessible from visual perception. In this work, we present a tactile perception strategy that allows any mobile robot with tactile sensors in its gripper to measure a set of generic tactile features while grasping an object. We propose a hybrid velocity-force controller, that grasps an object safely and reveals at the same time its deformation properties. As an application, we show that a robot can use these features to distinguish the open/closed and fill state of bottles and cans – purely from tactile sensing – from a small training set. To prove that this is a hard recognition problem, we also conducted a comperative study with 17 human test subjects. We found that the recognition rate of the human subjects were comparable to our robotic gripper.
Sachin Chitta, Matthew Piccoli, Jürgen Sturm
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Sachin Chitta, Matthew Piccoli, Jürgen Sturm
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