

Talk2Me: the art of augmenting conversations

14 years 6 months ago
Talk2Me: the art of augmenting conversations
This paper describes an interactive installation work set in a large dome space. The installation is an audio and physical rerendition of an interactive writing work. In the original work, the user interacted via keyboard and screen whilst online. This rendition of the work retains the online interaction, but also places the interaction within a physical space. The work now includes SMS input and speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion technologies. These additions allow the audience to co-author, as well as participate in audible conversation with keyword-triggering robots. Communication in the space can be person-to-computer, person via phone to computer, person-to-person (sometimes via machine, sometimes within the physical space), computer-to-computer, and computer-toperson. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.5 [Computer Applications]: Arts and Humanities: Fine arts. General Terms Design, Experimentation, Documentation, Human Factors. Keywords Interactive installation, dome...
Ann Judith Morrison, Peta Mitchell, Ralf Mühl
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where MM
Authors Ann Judith Morrison, Peta Mitchell, Ralf Mühlberger
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