

A Task-Centric Memory Model for Scalable Accelerator Architectures

13 years 11 months ago
A Task-Centric Memory Model for Scalable Accelerator Architectures
This paper presents a task-centric memory model for 1000-core compute accelerators. Visual computing applications are emerging as an important class of workloads that can exploit 1000-core processors. In these workloads, we observe data sharing and communication patterns that can be leveraged in the design of memory systems for future 1000-core processors. Based on these insights, we propose a memory model that uses a software protocol, working in collaboration with hardware caches, to maintain a coherent, single-address space view of memory without the need for hardware coherence support. We evaluate the task-centric memory model in simulation on a 1024-core MIMD accelerator we are developing that, with the help of a runtime system, implements the proposed memory model. We evaluate coherence management policies related to the task-centric memory model and show that the overhead of maintaining a coherent view of memory in software can be minimal. We further show that, while software m...
John H. Kelm, Daniel R. Johnson, Steven S. Lumetta
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors John H. Kelm, Daniel R. Johnson, Steven S. Lumetta, Sanjay J. Patel, Matthew I. Frank
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