

Taxon ordering in phylogenetic trees: a workbench test

13 years 7 months ago
Taxon ordering in phylogenetic trees: a workbench test
Background: Phylogenetic trees are an important tool for representing evolutionary relationships among organisms. In a phylogram or chronogram, the ordering of taxa is not considered meaningful, since complete topological information is given by the branching order and length of the branches, which are represented in the root-to-node direction. We apply a novel method based on a (l + μ)-Evolutionary Algorithm to give meaning to the order of taxa in a phylogeny. This method applies random swaps between two taxa connected to the same node, without changing the topology of the tree. The evaluation of a new tree is based on different distance matrices, representing non-phylogenetic information such as other types of genetic distance, geographic distance, or combinations of these. To test our method we use published trees of Vesicular stomatitis virus, West Nile virus and Rice yellow mottle virus. Results: Best results were obtained when taxa were reordered using geographic information. I...
Francesco Cerutti, Luigi Bertolotti, Tony L. Goldb
Added 12 May 2011
Updated 12 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Francesco Cerutti, Luigi Bertolotti, Tony L. Goldberg, Mario Giacobini
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