

Teaching Grasping Points Using Natural Movements

8 years 10 months ago
Teaching Grasping Points Using Natural Movements
Recently, the research on robots performing every-day tasks at home, like to take care of elderly or disabled people, has pursued the problem of the manipulation of everyday objects. Among them, grasping a cloth is one of the most challenging tasks, since the textiles are highly-deformable and it is not straightforward to define a generic grasping point. In this paper, we address this problem by introducing a new robot interaction method that enables unexperienced users to control the robot in a natural way. Given a textile lying on the table the robot proposes a grasping point and the user is able to teach the robot a new grasping point. The data collected using this method is then used for training the system using a Vector Autoregression method, which produces better grasping points allowing potentially better manipulation actions. The experiments demonstrates the validity of the new interaction method and its potential to improve the point-grasping selection algorithm in different...
Yalim Isleyici, Guillem Alenyà
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where CCIA
Authors Yalim Isleyici, Guillem Alenyà
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