

TellTable Spreadsheet Audit: from Technical Possibility to Operating Prototype

13 years 12 months ago
TellTable Spreadsheet Audit: from Technical Possibility to Operating Prototype
At the 2003 EuSpRIG meeting, we presented a framework and software infrastructure to generate and analyse an audit trail for a spreadsheet file. This report describes the results of a pilot implementation of this software (now called TellTable; see, along with developments in the server infrastructure and availability, extensions to other "Office Suite" files, integration of the audit tool into the server interface, and related developments, licensing and reports. We continue to seek collaborators and partners in what is primarily an open-source project with some shared-source components.
John C. Nash, Andy Adler, Neil Smith
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors John C. Nash, Andy Adler, Neil Smith
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