

Test Requirement Analysis for Low Cost Hierarchical Test Path Construction

14 years 5 months ago
Test Requirement Analysis for Low Cost Hierarchical Test Path Construction
We propose a methodology that examines design modules and identifies appropriate vector justification and response propagation requirements for hierarchical test. Based on a cell-level analysis and transparency composition methodology, test requirements for a module are defined as a set of fine-grained input and output bit clusters and pertinent justification and propagation values. The identified test requirements are independent of the actual test set and are adjusted to the cell-level connectivity and inherent regularity of the module. As a result, they combine the generality required for fast hierarchical test path construction with the accuracy necessary for minimizing the incurred DFT hardware overhead, thus fostering costeffective hierarchical test. Experimental results on several modules verify the ability of the proposed methodology to moderate the cost of hierarchical test path construction through accurate, compact, and highly parametrizable test requirement definiti...
Yiorgos Makris, Alex Orailoglu
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ATS
Authors Yiorgos Makris, Alex Orailoglu
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