

Three-Dimensional Model Construction from Multiple Sensor Viewpoints

14 years 4 months ago
Three-Dimensional Model Construction from Multiple Sensor Viewpoints
2 Multi-view Integration: A Review We address the problem of constructing a boundary model of an object when the input consists of a set of points that lie on its surface. We assume that the points are acquired using telemetric techniques. Such data constitute a discrete sampling of the surface: a “cloud” of points. Supplemental connectivity information between those points is necessary if one is to reconstruct an approximation to the underlying object. We use the implicit information provided by the acquisition procedure itself to achieve this goal.
Stéphane Aubry, Vincent Hayward
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where ICRA
Authors Stéphane Aubry, Vincent Hayward
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