

Time studies as a tool for (computer science) education research

14 years 6 months ago
Time studies as a tool for (computer science) education research
Computer Science Education Research is often done in a very local setting and findings are difficult to transfer to other institutions. There are however several factors that speak in favor of expanding the research to an international scale, one is the wide spread of use of English and another is that the components taught are similar. Time is an important factor in studying how students learn and a suggestion is made on how to go forward to create a tool for performing time studies. Important issues concerning obtaining high quality data as well as some aspects of what it means to study are addressed.
Anna Sandström, Mats Daniels
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ACSE
Authors Anna Sandström, Mats Daniels
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