

Time travelling animated program executions

14 years 6 months ago
Time travelling animated program executions
Visualizations of program executions are often generated on the fly. This has many advantages relative to off-line generation of animated video files. Video files, however, trivially support flexible viewing via controls that include reverse and fast forward. Here we report on an implementation of time travel that combines the best of both techniques. In ToonTalk both the construction and execution of programs are animated. Time travel enables the user to move back in time and replay animated executions. The replay can be paused and the user can skip forward or further back in time. The implementation of time travel is based records of every input event and periodic snapshots of the state of the computation. Keywords Program visualization, time travel, programming languages for children, ToonTalk
Ken Kahn
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Ken Kahn
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