

A Topological Method for Finding Invariant Sets of Continuous Systems

8 years 8 months ago
A Topological Method for Finding Invariant Sets of Continuous Systems
Abstract. A usual way to find positive invariant sets of ordinary differential equations is to restrict the search to predefined finitely generated shapes, such as linear templates, or ellipsoids as in classical quadratic Lyapunov function based approaches. One then looks for generators or parameters for which the corresponding shape has the property that the flow of the ODE goes inwards on its border. But for non-linear systems, where the structure of invariant sets may be very complicated, such simple predefined shapes are generally not well suited. The present work proposes a more general approach based on a topological property, namely Wa˙zewski’s property. Even for complicated non-linear dynamics, it is possible to successfully restrict the search for isolating blocks of simple shapes, that are bound to contain non-empty invariant sets. This approach generalizes the Lyapunov-like approaches, by allowing for inwards and outwards flow on the boundary of these shapes, with ...
Laurent Fribourg, Eric Goubault, Sameh Mohamed, Ma
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where RP
Authors Laurent Fribourg, Eric Goubault, Sameh Mohamed, Marian Mrozek, Sylvie Putot
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