

Toward an Application of Content-Based Video Indexing to Computer- Assisted Descriptive Video

14 years 8 months ago
Toward an Application of Content-Based Video Indexing to Computer- Assisted Descriptive Video
This paper presents the status of a project targeting the development of content-based video indexing tools, to assist a human in the generation of descriptive video for the hard of seeing people. We describe three main elements: (1) the video content that is pertinent for computer-assisted descriptive video, (2) the system dataflow, based on a light plug-in architecture of an open-source video processing software and (3) the first version of the plug-ins developed to date. Plugs-ins that are under development include shot transition detection, key-frames identification, keyface detection, key-text spotting, visual motion mapping, face recognition, facial characterization, story segmentation, gait/gesture characterization, keyplace recognition, key-object spotting and image categorization. Some of these tools are adapted from our previous works on video surveillance, audiovisual speech recognition and content-based video indexing of documentary films. We do not focus on the algorithmi...
Langis Gagnon, France Laliberté, Marc Lalon
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CRV
Authors Langis Gagnon, France Laliberté, Marc Lalonde, Mario Beaulieu
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