

Towards a Competence Based System for Recommending Study Materials (CBSR)

14 years 1 months ago
Towards a Competence Based System for Recommending Study Materials (CBSR)
— Most e-learning systems require intervention from a teacher. The development of adaptive hypermedia systems, such as intelligent tutoring systems, aimed to reduce the teachers’ task. However, such systems are still at risk of inconsistently modelling the user when estimating a learner’s knowledge level. We propose a system called CBSR (Competence based System for Recommending Study Materials) which recommends appropriate study materials from the Web without requiring teacher intervention, based upon a competency model. This has the benefit of an improved pedagogical approach to e-learning, and a more consistent profile of learners’ competences which can persist though their life. Keywords-Competency Model; User Modelling; Adaptive Hypermedia; Web-based Education
Athitaya Nitchot, Lester Gilbert, Gary B. Wills
Added 06 Dec 2010
Updated 06 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Athitaya Nitchot, Lester Gilbert, Gary B. Wills
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