

Towards a dynamic data structure for efficient bounded line range search

14 years 1 months ago
Towards a dynamic data structure for efficient bounded line range search
We present a data structure for efficient axis-aligned orthogonal range search on a set of n lines in a bounded plane. The algorithm requires O(log n + k) time in the worst case to find all lines intersecting an axis aligned query rectangle R, where k is the number of lines in range. O(n + ) space is required for the data structure used by the algorithm, where is the number of intersection points among the lines. Insertion of a new rightmost line or deletion of a leftmost line requires O(n) time in the worst case. For a sparse arrangement of lines (i.e., for = O(n)), insertion of a rightmost line or deletion of a leftmost line requires O( n) time, and O(log n +
Thuy Le, Bradford G. Nickerson
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CCCG
Authors Thuy Le, Bradford G. Nickerson
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