

Towards a Mathematical Theory of the Delays of the Asynchronous Circuits

14 years 2 months ago
Towards a Mathematical Theory of the Delays of the Asynchronous Circuits
The inequations of the delays of the asynchronous circuits are written, by making use of pseudo-Boolean differential calculus. We consider these efforts to be a possible starting point in the semi-formalized reconstruction of the digital electrical engineering (which is a nonformalized theory). AMS Classification: 94C10 Keywords : signal, asynchronous circuit, unbounded delay, bounded delay, fixed delay, inertial delay, determinism List of Abbreviations BDC - bounded delay condition, in 4.1 BDE - bounded delay element, in 4.12 BRIDC- bounded (bivalent) relative inertial delay condition, in 7.1 BRIDE- bounded (bivalent) relative inertial delay element, in 7.11 CC - consistency condition, in 4.4 and in 7.5 DC - delay condition, in 3.2 DE - delay element, in 3.8 DRIDC- determinisic (bivalent) relative inertial delay condition, in 8.6 DRIDE- deterministic (bivalent) relative inertial delay element, in 8.12 FDC - fixed delay condition, in 5.1 FDE - fixed delay element, in 5.8 NZC - non-zeno...
Serban E. Vlad
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where CORR
Authors Serban E. Vlad
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