

Towards a Sensor Classification Scheme for Robotic Manipulators

14 years 6 months ago
Towards a Sensor Classification Scheme for Robotic Manipulators
— This paper analyzes the signals captured during impacts and vibrations of a mechanical manipulator. To test the impacts, a flexible beam is clamped to the end-effector of a manipulator that is programmed in a way such that the rod moves against a rigid surface. Several signals are captured and theirs Fourier Transforms are calculated and approximated by trendlines based on a power law formula. A sensor classification scheme based on the frequency spectrum behavior is presented.
Miguel F. M. Lima, José António Tenr
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CIRA
Authors Miguel F. M. Lima, José António Tenreiro Machado, Manuel Marques Crisóstomo
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