

Trajectory Based Behavior Analysis for User Verification

13 years 11 months ago
Trajectory Based Behavior Analysis for User Verification
Many of our activities on computer need a verification step for authorized access. The goal of verification is to tell apart the true account owner from intruders. We propose a general approach for user verification based on user trajectory inputs. The approach is labor-free for users and is likely to avoid the possible copy or simulation from other non-authorized users or even automatic programs like bots. Our study focuses on finding the hidden pattern on the trajectories produced by account users. We employ a Markov chain model with Gaussian distribution in its transitions to describe the behavior on the trajectory. To distinguish between two trajectories, we propose a novel dissimilarity measure combined with a manifold learnt tuning for catching the pairwise relationship. Based on the pairwise relationship, we plug-in any effective classification or clustering methods for the detection of unauthorized access. The result shows that the proposed method can accurately verify the user...
Hsing-Kuo Pao, Hong-Yi Lin, Kuan-Ta Chen, Junaidil
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Hsing-Kuo Pao, Hong-Yi Lin, Kuan-Ta Chen, Junaidillah Fadlil
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