We consider the prediction of a target’s destination and simultaneously recover its filtered trajectory. Two novel models for trajectories with known destinations are presented...
Mustafa Fanaswala, Vikram Krishnamurthy, Langford ...
In this paper we study the human eye movement and the head movement system as a simple mechanical control system. Most of the time, eye movements obey Listing's constraint, wh...
Abstract-- Many tracking problems are split into two subproblems, first a smooth reference trajectory is generated that meet the control design objectives, and then a closed loop c...
Henrik Ohlsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Lennart Ljung,...
: For industrial product design, it is very important to take into account assembly/disassembly and maintenance operations during the conceptual and prototype design stage. For the...
We propose a method for trajectory classification based on trajectory voting in Moving Object Databases (MOD). Trajectory voting is performed based on local trajectory similarity. ...
Costas Panagiotakis, Nikos Pelekis, Ioannis Kopana...
Advances in RFID based sensor technologies has been used in applications which requires the tracking of assets, products and individuals. The recording of such movements is capture...
: The aim of trajectory navigation is to position a surgical instrument along a planned trajectory. Computer assisted navigation systems show maximal flexibility but are limited by...
At present, trajectory data, series of coordinate data traversed by moving objects, can be readily obtained due to the advent of positioning technologies. Clustering of trajectori...
Many of our activities on computer need a verification step for authorized access. The goal of verification is to tell apart the true account owner from intruders. We propose a gen...
— This paper considers a shortcutting heuristic to smooth jerky trajectories for many-DOF robot manipulators subject to collision constraints, velocity bounds, and acceleration b...