

Two Graph Algorithms On an Associative Computing Model

14 years 1 months ago
Two Graph Algorithms On an Associative Computing Model
- The MASC (for Multiple Associative Computing) model is a SIMD model enhanced with associative properties and multiple synchronous instruction streams (IS). A number of algorithms have been developed for this model and some have been implemented using its associative programming language. In this paper, we present two graph algorithms for the restricted MASC model with one IS (called the ASC model). These are an ASC version of Kruskal algorithm for the minimum spanning tree (MST) problem and an ASC version of Dijsktra algorithm for the single source shortest path (SSSP) problem. Both of our algorithms have worst case time of O(n) which provide speedups of at least n over their sequential versions. Also, our second algorithm is cost optimal. These algorithms have advantages of being easy to program, highly scalable and having small overhead costs. They provide a better understanding about the power of the ASC/MASC model in terms of effectiveness of algorithms it supports.
Mingxian Jin, Johnnie W. Baker
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Mingxian Jin, Johnnie W. Baker
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